Lake District Cottages: From humble hideaways to extravagant abodes.

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The Lake District National Park, with its vast stretches of serene landscapes, houses a plethora of accommodation options.

Yet, there’s something uniquely tranquil about staying in a traditional cottage. Nestled amidst the verdant meadows and overlooking serene lakes, these cottages effortlessly merge with the surroundings, allowing you to feel a deep connection with the countryside.

Every nook and corner of the Lake District has a cottage that caters to the desires of its visitors. Whether you’re an intrepid explorer ready to embark on new adventures, or someone seeking a romantic retreat away from the hustle and bustle, there’s a cottage waiting just for you.

Dive into our curated list below to discover the crème de la crème of accommodations in the Lake District.

Ashness Bridge, Borrowdale, Lake District
Looking North from Watendlath
Sunset at Thirlmere, Lake District
Loweswater View from Melbreak - Lake District

The Lakes by Area

You may hear the Lakes being referred to by their various parts, so to help you better understand the distinct characteristics of the various parts of the Lake District, let’s break it down into North, Central, and South Lakes.

North Lakes


Scenery: Dominated by the mighty Skiddaw and the serene Derwentwater, North Lakes boasts some of the most dramatic landscapes in the region.
Towns & Villages: Keswick is the main hub, offering a mix of culture, history, and shopping opportunities.
Activities: Ideal for serious hikers and climbers, with paths leading up to Skiddaw and Blencathra.

Why Move Here?

Peace & Quiet: Less touristy than some other parts of the Lake District.
Rich History: Ancient stone circles and historic homes.
Community: Strong sense of community with regular events in Keswick and surrounding villages.

Stunning scenery at Derwentwater, near Keswick
Western shores of Lake Windermere

Central Lakes


Scenery: Home to the iconic Scafell Pike, England’s highest mountain, and the beautiful Lake Windermere.
Towns & Villages: Ambleside, Grasmere, and Windermere are popular towns, each with its own charm and attractions.
Activities: Boating on Windermere, exploring Grasmere’s literary history, and hiking up the Langdale Pikes.

Why Move Here?

Cultural Hub: Central Lakes is often considered the cultural heart of the district, with many galleries, theatres, and festivals.
Accessibility: Well-connected to major cities and towns, making it ideal for those who want the best of both worlds.
Variety: From the bustling life of Windermere to the quiet corners of Grasmere, there’s a place for everyone.

South Lakes


Scenery: Gentle rolling hills, expansive estuaries, and the serene Coniston Water.
Towns & Villages: Cartmel, with its famous priory, and Ulverston, known for its festivals and markets.
Activities: Steam yacht gondola rides on Coniston Water and exploring the history of Swarthmoor Hall.

Why Move Here?

Undiscovered Gem: Less frequented by tourists, South Lakes, offers tranquillity and a slower pace of life.
Gastronomy: Home to some of the region’s best eateries and the famed Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding.
Coastal Beauty: Proximity to the coast means beaches and sea views are within easy reach.

In Conclusion

The Lake District is not just a national park; it’s a way of life. Each region, from North to South, offers its own unique experiences, communities, and landscapes. Whether you’re looking for a vibrant community, a peaceful retreat, or a mix of both, the Lake District is a place where memories are made and dreams are realized. Before making a move, it’s always recommended to spend some time in each area to truly feel its essence and determine which part resonates most with your heart.

Church at Cartmel

Top Tips for Moving to a Home in the Lake District

  • Take time and pick your area carefully.

  • Do your research.
  • Consider costs and affordability.

  • Check schools and transport.