Bus Service
There are bus services around all the major tourist towns and villages of the Lake District. Bus timetables can found in Tourist Information Centres around Cumbria and can be downloaded from www.stagecoachbus.com
Train Service
There are several regional train lines operating in Cumbria: Carlisle to Leeds; Carlisle to Barrow-in-Furness; and Barrow-in-Furness to Lancaster and Preston. Timetables can be viewed and downloaded from www.northernrail.org
Trains on the Carlisle to Barrow-in-Furness line connect at Ravenglass with the La’al Ratty: the Ravenglass and Eskdale steam railway. Timetable and further information can be found at www.ravenglass-railway.co.uk
Cumbria – the Lake District is also on the west coast London to Glasgow line; with stops at Carlisle, Penrith and Oxenholme – The Lake District; the train operator is Virgin Trains – www.virgintrains.co.uk
There are connecting trains from Oxenholme to Windermere. Timetables and further information can be obtained from www.tpexpress.co.uk