Loweswater Walk

Submitted: 18 May 09
Date Updated: 7 Apr 10 & 24 August 2024
Recommended Map: Explorer OL4
Danger Rating Note: 1/5 – The only danger comes from the sections of road working but it is a quiet road and vehicles travel slowly.
Car Parking/Walk Start:
The area next to the road at the western edge of the lake, which retains a public telephone box.
Overview of Walk:
A delightful stroll around one of the smallest lakes on the western edge of the Lake District, with views of stunning mountain scenery and chances to glimpse red squirrels.
A five minute diversion mid way through the walk to the Kirkstile Inn. | Wheelchair and Push Chair Suitability:
Point “A” to “B” is suitable for wheelchairs and push chairs; possibly beyond “B” if the ford can be crossed. | Public Transport:
Not possible. |
Loweswater Circuit Walk Description:
From the car parking area which has a public telephone box walk along the road heading in a south easterly direction towards Loweswater with the lake on your right. After a couple of minutes of road walking the lake will be immediately on your right and you enter another car parking area. At the end of this car park there is an opportunity to take a narrow footpath to avoid the road walking. However, this is short lived and you are soon back on the road for another short section of road walking.
Watch out for another footpath on the right, which heads down, through the trees, to the lakeshore. Follow the path along the lakeshore, perhaps taking an opportunity to take a seat on the wooden bench to admire the beautiful scenery, before once again rejoining the road.

Stay on the road, past the lake, until you come to a narrow tarmac road on the right with the signposted, “Public Bridleway – Loweswater – 0.8 miles”. (Note: If you wish to go to the Kirkstile Inn stay on the main road for a further five minutes or so).
Assuming you do not refreshments at the Kirkstile Inn, follow the sign, “Public Bridleway – Loweswater – 0.8 miles” down to the lake, with the formidable sights of Grasmoor and Melbreak, amongst some of the fells on your right.
At the bottom of the hill you come to a car park at Maggie’s Bridge. Ignore the track going off on the left for High Nook Farm and continue walking through the car park over the cattle grid (or through the gate) and over Dub Beck on the long driveway which takes you to Watergate Farm.
Follow the track through Watergate Farm and head right towards the gate in the dry stone wall at the edge of the lake, taking time to admire the fine views over to Darling Fell and Loweswater Fell.
It’s impossible to get lost: just keep the lake on your right and don’t go more than 5 metres away from it. At first you are on a wide forest track; at a ford and a footbridge bear right, towards a stone building, which is a rather rustic WC. For any children in your group there is a homemade swing next to this building which is somewhere our family always stop at.

Continue on the narrowing path as it follows the lakeshore on your right. If you are fortunate to be doing this walk in May the woods around this section of Loweswater enjoy a delightful carpet of bluebells. You eventually rejoin the main forest track; head right towards a gate and stile in a dry stone wall, some 30 yards ahead. Continue on the path, eventually leaving the lake, up towards the farm at Hudson Place.
From Hudson Place you continue on the main track heading downhill, with magnificent views over the full length of Loweswater. At the bottom of the hill take the stile on your right. This takes you into a field with long grasses; the path towards the second part of this field is on wooden boards over boggy ground. This is followed immediately by a footbridge and a further section of wooden boarding before heading towards the stile ahead on the right. After another 20 yards you come to a kissing gate, rejoining the car parking area where the walk started.
Point of interest:
Keep your eyes open along the route of the walk for red squirrels. In spring, you might get an opportunity to see lambs and May is the best time to go as you’ll see a carpet of Blue Bells in Holme Wood.

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